Go to the Beach!
There are a number of excellent beaches in and around Carpinteria. The gorgeous long beach that fronts the ocean along the length of the city itself is actually considered two beaches – Carpinteria City Beach and Carpinteria State Beach. Southeast of the city is home to the famous Rincon Beach, which is world known for its great surfing.
Northwest of the city is Padero Beach, popular with the locals.

Salt Marsh Park - excellent birdwatching & handicap accessible trails
The park, also known as El Estuaro, is one of the most important wetlands in Southern California. This beautiful, relatively unspoiled estuary is home to rare and endangered plants and birds. It is a haven for migrating birds, the foundation for much of the local food chain, as well as a nursery for marine fish.
Santa Clause Lane - beaches, shops, dining
The famous Santa Claus statue on Santa Clause Lane greeted passerby’s since 1950. After more than 50 years at its perch, Santa was removed to allow for renovation of the area. Santa Claus Lane is also home to a beautiful beach, restaurants, shops, and a number of private beach homes.
Carpinteria Bluffs
52 acres of prime coastal property, the Carpinteria Bluffs feature fabulous views of the Santa Ynez mountains, the ocean and the Channel Islands. You can access the Seal Rookery from here. It is also home to such birds as the White-tailed Kite, the Loggerhead Shrike, American Kestrel, and Red-Tailed and Cooper hawks.
Native plants include coastal sage scrub and stipa grasslands as well as several stands of non-native but impressive eucalyptus.

Tar Pits
This wonderful, hidden park is one of the real treasures of the Carpinteria Parks Department. Many locals don’t even know this is here! There are wonderful walking trails, vegetation restored as close to its natural state as possible, spectacular views and a real sense of privacy. You can usually see seals and sometimes dolphins in the water. The birds are numerous and varied.
The Carpinteria Valley Museum of History and Flea Market
This museum highlights the three distinct cultures expressed throughout Carpinteria’s long history – Chumash, Spanish and American. Exhibits are arranged generally as vignettes, with unique household objects, tools, and various larger antiques – such as a car – that give a taste of what life was like for the people involved. There is an interesting exhibit on the asphaltum mining operation that was important in the early 1900s.
A Flea Market is held on the grounds of the Museum on the last Saturday of the month. Booth fees contribute to the upkeep of the museum.
Harbor Seal Preserve and Rookery
One of the most interesting secrets of Carpinteria is the Harbor Seal Preserve. The preserve is home to almost 100 adult seals who give birth to their cubs on the Carpinteria shoreline. The beach is closed 750 feet on either side of the rookery (as their nesting area is called) from December through May.
The seals are there all year long, but in the spring the cubs don't have the thick layer of fat that they need to protect themselves from the cold ocean waters.
The Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club
The Santa Barbara Polo & Racquet Club has their beautiful facilities here in Carpinteria. If you like horses, sports, hockey, basketball or soccer, you stand a good chance of loving Polo. Each Sunday afternoon (except in the winter), you can attend a game even if you are not a member of the club. The fans even get involved at half time by going onto the field and stomping divots. Without a doubt, it’s a wonderful way to spend a Sunday afternoon! If you have never seen Polo, much less played it, make sure to visit their website. They have a great section on the rules and theories behind the game.